Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi. No : 930531, School Code : 75515
e-mail : cmichristschool@gmail.com
+91 82811 49722
Order must be the hallmark of our school. For this an atmosphere of silence should be maintained by everyone during working hours in classrooms, staff rooms and office. Thus everyone should contribute to maintain an excellence of standard.
In the school campus, students and staff are expected to speak only English except in Language classes.
All pupils should follow proper dress-code on all working days.
Every pupil shall respectfully greet the teachers on meeting them.
All pupils shall attend the class punctually with their lessons well-prepared.
No pupil shall leave the classroom during working hours without the permission of the teachers.
No pupil is allowed to leave the school during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
The Hand Book issued to the student should be brought to school every day.
No student shall enter any classroom other than their own.
Students will be responsible for their belongings.
No pupil is expected to bring to school any valuables, curios, electronic devices, storage devices and so on.
Examination & Promotion
Periodic tests are found necessary to assess the performance of students and to promote healthy competition among them. It also helps them to become aware of their shortcomings and make necessary changes in their study habits. Based on these principles, we conduct monthly, mid-term and term evaluations.
60% in each subject is the minimum mark for passing a subject.
Absence in examination is treated as securing zero in that subject. No separate examination will be conducted for any subject.
Any kind of attempted or intended malpractice in the examination is punishable with suspension or expulsion.
Parents have to check the answer sheets and sign the progress report, failure of which might lead to strict actions against the student.
Promotion depends on the marks scored in the tests/examinations as well as on the internal assessment based on attendance, classwork, general discipline etc.
90 % attendance is mandatory for promotion.
The decision of the Principal will be final regarding promotion.
Suggestions to Parents
Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline in their children.
Every effort made by teachers and management will be in vain unless the parents co-operate wholeheartedly and supervise their wards at home.
Students suffering from contagious diseases should not be sent to school.
In case of taking leave from school, parent should sign in the leave form given in the Hand Book. Half-day leave will only be granted if requested by parents directly.
Students who absent themselves without leave for five continuous working days will be removed from the rolls. Once removed, their re-admission is left to the discretion of the Principal.
Parents can come on Mondays & Tuesdays and meet the teachers from 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm.
The Principal/Management has the right to introduce, amend or change the rules and regulations of the school whenever necessary.